Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tips on Getting Back to the Grind.......

So since today is a snow day here on good old Cape Cod and I am stuck in the house and not going out for a run I have decided to write about how I got back on the wagon and started running again giving you all some tips to get back at it! 

Part of the reason I stopped blogging was because I stopped running. For those of you who read my blog before, running was pretty much my life and what I wrote about most of the time. Without getting into the nitty gritty I had a few things going on in my life and had to take a step back from some things in order to focus on other things....running being the biggest thing I stopped doing, I just didn't have the time. Anyway moving forward I am back at it and wanted to give you some tips and tricks that have helped me!  

1. Schedule and schedule far out!

I am someone who needs to know workout wise what my week looks like. In the past and currently I print out a calendar of the year and just schedule out my runs months in advance. I like to use the website Cool Running to get my mileage back up to where I want it. They have training schedules for all distances as well as for all levels beginner, intermediate or advanced, the website also offers many other great tools! I highly recommend it! If you are not into running schedule what you are doing on what days! 

2. Set a goal! 

For me I set a goal race. I will schedule shorter races in here and there but I will always set a specific race that I am training for. Once I get to the race date from there I will re-evaluate my running calendar and set a new goal race. This just keeps you on track and your mind in the state that you need to keep up your training in order to finish what you have set your mind to! If running isn't for you set a goal as to something you want to finish. Whether it is a specific workout schedule that is a month long your goal would be to finish that month or four week program. I just find I need something that I am working towards.

3. Know what works for you and your body.

Know what work out is for you. If you are doing something that your not enjoying or you aren't finding are best for you then change it. For myself I know that if I do something that is strictly aerobic it is not for me. I bulk up too much and that is not what I am looking for. I want my body to be lean, still muscular but lean muscle. For me running does this. I will mix in some abs and arms but doing any type of leg work outs or squats are just not for me. Once you find out what works best for you working out will become more fun! 

4. Get in the right mind set.

Set your mind to it and you will be able to do it. Yes this sounds corny however if you are mentally not there the workout is going to stink. Its all mental so tell yourself you can do it and you will! 

5. A bad day is only one bad day.

Working out isn't always fun I will admit sometimes when I am running it sucks! I want to give up but it's only one day. I know the next days run will not be that way, well it might but odds are it will be better. Remind yourself that if one day it is hard it is only making you stronger. If every workout was easy you probably wouldn't be getting much out of it right? 



Have fun during your workouts! Listen to your favorite music, or go outside and do your workout if you always do it inside. Ask a friend if they want to join you, change a running route. Make changes in your workout so its fun and different! 

I hope I have inspired you to set a goal and get back at it! Leave a comment down below of what gets you motivated! 

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